I have been feeling a bit negative recently. So. This post is a little gratitude power-up refuel session based on the knowledge that turning my attention to those people and things for which I am grateful helps me to shift my attention in a more positive direction. So here goes:

Thank you for supportive friends and family members who remind me of the beauty in the world.

Thank you for mentors and counselors along the way.

Thank you for all of the dogs in Alamo Square Park who remind me that running can be fun.

Thank you for sarcasm and puns.

Thank you for peanutbutter. And also chocolate. And combinations thereof.

Thank you for flowers and farmers markets and sunny days with just the right amount of breeze.

Thank you for those moments when I feel clarity.

Thank you for good sleep and feeling energized after a good rest.

Thank you for moments of inspiration.

Thank you for challenges that make me roll up my sleeves and dig in.

Thank you for second chances on those occasions when I forget to roll up my sleeves and dig in.

Thank you for people who are genuinely kind and out in the world doing good things because it’s important and they care.

Thank you for the Oregon coast, with its craggy rock formations and diving gulls and piling clouds.

Thank you for hope, that small egg.

Thank you for the part of me that is stubborn and cherishes authenticity.

Thank you for the part of myself that thinks all this gratitude stuff is crap, because that’s part of me, too.

Thank you for pancakes on Sunday mornings.

Thank you for friends who remind me that Daylight Savings Time is coming up. (FYI, it is. Change your clocks, dude.)

Thank you for food to eat and water to drink.

Thank you for a roof over my head.

Thank you for a chance at this absurd and bewitching and confounding and magical and terrible and phenomenal ride called life.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


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