“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” ~ Audre Lorde,​ ​A Burst of Light and Other Essays
I did it again. I loaded up my mind with ‘ought-tos’ and shouldered past my body’s signals to stop and listen. I wanted to ‘get there’, to that place up ahead where I’ll finally feel at home.
How are you feeling? Are you well? What is your body saying these days?
Will you slow down with me, and put your ear to the earth, where your feet meet the stones?
- First, we might forgive ourselves for forgetting, for leaving our centers.
- Next, we can try being still and listening. Or even just slowing down–what is that like?
- Then, perhaps we might allow the wind to blow us clear and clean: whoosh.
I don’t know what happens after that. How about you?
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